Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Il secondo primo giorno

I have now been to all of my classes. After Intermediate Italian 2 this morning, I had Art History and Italian Politics. The two latter classes are going to be my most challenging: art history (it sounds better in Italian--la storia dell'arte) with all of the dates and names and Italian politics because...well, it's Italian politics!! But I am very excited for them! Most of my art history classes are outside of the actual classroom. Living in the epicenter of the Renaissance allows us to see (and almost, but not quite touch) the art that most students only see in textbooks. And my politics class will really only conjur memories of a lost academic struggle, however, it will be interesting to learn about them from an Italian scholar.

After going to my classes, I thought in a couple weeks I will devote one day a week to each specific class topic and write about some instance of the subject matter as it pertains to Italian culture. So in a couple weeks get ready for a great recipe, some good tips on wine tasting, a crash course in Italian, some pictures of my walks through the city, and an attempt at quelling a large political beast. I will be thinking about some good things to write about!

As far as pictures go, I haven't taken many yet. It has been dreary the majority of days with the sun rearing its head for only the hours that I am in class. But when the clouds seperate and the temperature warms, I will do my best to get some pictures of the city, the hillsides, and my apartment on here! The buildings where I take my classes are converts from older, previously used facilities. The ceiling in one room is painted something like (but not really) the Sistine Chapel.

Random note: Europeans have slightly different keyboards than Americans. There are extra ctl, alt, and delete buttons. The configuration is slightly altered. And there are buttons for the letters with accents. It took me a little longer than usual for this post. (I can only imagine typing in Japanese!)

1 comment:

  1. I totally remember that. Try writing a drunken email to your mother on one of those keyboards
